Polygraph Specialist Bob Gooding
Bob Gooding has administered several thousand forensic polygraph examinations. His client base includes the Federal Government, private businesses, the legal profession, private investigative services and private citizens.
Polygraph Associations
He has been a member of the Canadian Association of Police Polygraphists since 1992 and he has served the Association in the following capacities:
- Vice-President
- Chairman and member of the Professional Standards and Ethics Committee
- Member of the Legislative Committee
- Member of the Curriculum Review Committee
- Member of the Polygraph Training and Evaluation Committee
He has also been a member in good standing of the American Polygraph Association since 1993 and a member of the American Association of Police Polygraphists since 2013.
Bob has had a 30 year career with the Waterloo Regional Police Service in Ontario during which he was assigned to:
- Uniformed Duties both as a Patrol Officer and a Supervising Sergeant
- Drug Enforcement
- Gambling and Prostitution
- Intelligence and Surveillance
- Divisional Criminal Investigation
- Homicide Branch
- Forensic Polygraph Examiner
Bob was an instructor on the Polygraph Examiners Course at the Canadian Police College from 1994 until 2000. He served as a field trainer for polygraph examiners during their internship period following their formal training from 1993 until 2000.
Between 2000 and 2004, Bob was a full time instructor at the Ontario Police College in Aylmer. There, he was responsible for the design and delivery of training programs to police officers on behalf of The Province of Ontario. He was the subject matter expert in the areas of Interview Techniques, Interrogation, Statement Analysis and Homicide Investigation.
In 2004 Bob was hired by a Commission of Inquiry headed by Antonio Lamer, former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Canada, to review and report on a number of polygraph examinations administered during the murder investigation of a wrongfully convicted man in St. John’s, Newfoundland.
In 2005 Bob was certified by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police to administer pre-employment polygraph examinations to verify the suitability of their police applicants.
In 2006 he was declared an expert witness in the areas of criminal investigations and interviewing and interrogation techniques by the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal.
Bob has also taught polygraph students at the New Hampshire State Police College since 2007.
In 2010, Bob Gooding was designated as a Primary Instructor by The American Polygraph Association in compliance with the requirements of the Association’s Education Accreditation Committee.
Bob Gooding’s Affiliations
Bob is also affiliated with the following institutions:
- American Association of Police Polygraphists
- New England Polygraph Institute
- Global Polygraph Network
His services are employed by the following Private Investigative Services: