Professional Polygraph Services
We offer Polygraph (or Lie Detector) testing, Statement Analysis and Training in Toronto and Southern Ontario, as well as other parts of Canada.
Fees will be agreed upon before any service is rendered and will be collected before any polygraph test is conducted. This practice eliminates any suggestion of bias from those who might question the results of the polygraph examination.
A deposit is required within 24 hours of booking an appointment. Cancellations may be made up to 24 hours before the scheduled examination with no further financial obligation. All examinations cancelled or postponed within 24 hours of the examination will result in the full fee being charged.
Regardless of the circumstances surrounding your polygraph needs, it is essential that you understand that polygraph test is only as good as the examiner running the test. You must ensure that the examiner has successfully completed proper training from an accredited school and is certified. The only polygraph training facility in Canada is at the Canadian Police College in Ottawa and this training facility is widely regarded throughout the world as one of the best.
Unfortunately, in Canada there are no licensing requirements to oversee the industry. This means that anyone can purchase a polygraph instrument and begin administering polygraph tests. It is essential that you satisfy yourself about the expertise of a polygraph examiner who you are considering engaging. Your particular situation should mean more than just saving a few dollars. The adage “you get what you pay for” certainly applies.
Statement Analysis
Ontario Polygraph Consulting provides professional Scientific Content Analysis (Statement Analysis) of any written document or oral transcript to determine deception, truthfulness, edited information, or hidden sensitive information the author may be attempting to hide.
Ontario Polygraph Consulting provides professional training for investigative interviewing techniques, confrontational interviewing, and statement analysis for police investigators, private security investigators, auditors, or any investigative agency requiring training in these areas.